P-LIGHT Test Program
P-LIGHT® is equipped with its own after-control and troubleshooting test program. Watch the movie on the test program below.
In order for the test program to show all the values, the car is required to be switched on and parking lights on.
To enter the menu, the press button 1 is kept on P-LIGHT® the box is pressed for about 8-10 seconds, when the program starts, the button can be released. After that, a rolling menu automatically starts on the electronic box displays. First, the version number of the application appears, then the voltage in volts according to the following order.
Code..... Terminals.................. Benchmark
U 4..... Voltage on plinth 4 (Circuit 1 in)............................................................................................................................................................................................. my 24V
U 6..... Voltage on plinth 6 (Circuit 2 in)..................................................................my 24V
U 8..... Voltage on plint 8 (Option in, only Maxi).................. my 0V
U C..... Voltage out of the built-in charger/booster... approximately 28V/20 Degrees
U 1..... Voltage on plinth 1 (P-LIGHT® batteries)..........................about 25V
Ev. triggered automatic fuses are indicated by changing the text "Err" with "F x" where x is the automatic fuses that have been released.
New error code on P-LIGHT from February 2015 (C11 & CC1).
If the error code "C11" or "CC1" appears on display, it means that the batteries have been deeply discharged with low battery voltage as a result. This may be due to partly errors in the charger but also large sockets without the battery having time to recharge enough while driving with the vehicle.
If the battery voltage goes below the programmed limit longer, plint 10 (AUX) turns off and then indicates "C11" on display. Restart requires 5 minutes of voltage on plint P4/P6 (the truck connected and lighting on). If the voltage of the batteries after this time exceeds the programmed limit, plint 10 (AUX) is activated again. Important that the batteries have time to get a real recharge again after this.
Unless the voltage exceeds 24V after 5 minutes, plint 10 (AUX) stays off and "CC1" appears instead. If "CC1" does not stop appearing after any trials, the charger or batteries are likely damaged. In this case, contact the appropriate workshop for control and possible change of electronic box/batteries.